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Horror Movie Costumes

What would Halloween be without scary costumes? The whole purpose of the day is to scare people with horror themed costumes. Long before there were princess costumes and superhero outfits, there were ghosts and ghouls. As you may know, All Hallows Eve is the day before All Saints Day. It was believed that on this day, all souls, good and evil can move from their realm into ours. The tradition of wearing spooky disguises was for two reasons. The first was that if you were dressed as a horror character the real ghosts and demons wouldn't be able to tell you from them and that would make you safe from being attacked or killed. The other reason was that if you could look scarier than the evil spirits and ghosts you would be able to frighten them away. Buy your scary costume today!

Scary Movie Costume Ideas and Tips

Halloween is all about having a bloody good time, and who knows that more than the gory villains of the horror genre? Hack and slash flicks are perfect for this time of year! If you’re a fan of the blood-curdling screams and jump scare media, then you’ve come to the right place to scratch that itch.

Whether you’re out for a night of freaking out your friends or planning a scary movie marathon leading up to the big night, these costumes will put a little pep in the step of passersby! We’ve got IT, Freddy, and Jason Voorhees just to list a few. But for parents who want to get the kids in on the Halloween action, there are cute options too! How adorable would your little guy or gal look in a Ghostbusters Stay Puft costume? Yeah. We thought so too.

Horror Movie Five Stats [Infographic]

Horror movie fans can test their knowledge with this infographic! Quiz yourself and learn some little-known facts about your favorite horror movies, and the genre as a whole. Do you know the highest-grossing horror movie of all time? Check out this Horror Movie Five Stats Infographic to find out! There's plenty to learn about your favorite slashers and thriller, so get to learning now.

Facts & Stats about the Top 13 Horror Directors [Infographic]

Halloween is almost here and that means it's the best time of year to watch scary movies. As the leaves turn colors, the weather gets chilly and spooky season casts its net, it's time to cuddle up and get scared. Some people get paid to scare others and no one has inspired more nightmares than the directors listed in our infographic. For decades these men have been both bringing our worst fears to life and inspiring new ones along the way.

We take Halloween seriously. Many of the costumes we carry on this page were inspired by characters created by these notable horror directors. If you’re looking to plan a horror movie watch party, these directors are a good place to start. Impress your friends with facts about the top 13 horror directors of all time.

Free Printable Horror Movie Coloring Pages

For Costume SuperCenter, it's always Halloween, and that means every season is horror movie season! If you’re a fan of horror movies, especially the classic ones, you’re in the right place. It's safe to say that most famous horror movie villains are more popular than the movies that they star in. Whether you’re a horror movie buff or not, the names, Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers make you shudder.

Instead of spooking you with jump scares, Costume Supercenter created some coloring pages to help you relax. They just happen to feature some of the most popular horror movie villains. Get your coloring devices and have a killer time with these horror movie coloring pages!

Horror Movie Quotes Infographic

If you call yourself a horror fan, you should be able to recognize all of the quotes featured in our infographic! While it was quite a challenge to choose just one line that embodied the spirit of these films, it was fun to reminisce nonetheless. What do you think of our choices?

Jason Voorhees Costumes

Slash your way through campers at Crystal Lake! Get your hockey mask and a machete ready for your Jason Voorhees costume! The silent, undead giant is one of horror history's most successful murderers and don't let those campers getaway!

Freddy Krueger Costumes

1, 2, Freddy's coming for you! Turn yourself into the dream eater himself with a brand new Freddy Krueger costume. He's got all the best catchphrases for your Halloween party!

Chucky Costumes

There's a doll out there with the mind of a serial killer and the attitude to match, and this year, that can be you! Get yourself a Chucky costume for Halloween, you'll be terrifying!

Scream Costumes

As any horror fan knows, there's only one king of catchphrases when it comes to horror villains: Freddy Krueger. So, naturally, Costume SuperCenter compiled them all in a single Freddy Krueger Quotable Infographic. Check it out!

Ghostface Quotable Infographic

You can recite as many Ghostface quotes as you'd like, just make sure you don't hang up the phone! Take a look and see how many phrases and quotes you recognize in this Ghostface Quotable Infographic.

Michael Myers Costumes

You don't have to be a silent killer to silently kill it this Halloween! Zip up your jumpsuit and sharpen your knife with a Michael Myers costume this year.

Scream Costumes

You don't have to be a murderous late-night caller to be absolutely terrifying on Halloween this year. Get yourself a Scream costume and you can run around like a crazy person. Just like Ghostface!