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Decade Costumes & Accessories

Have you ever felt like you belonged in a different era? Whether your fascination is with the music of the Roaring 20s or the tie-dye trends of the 60s, Costume SuperCenter has Decade costumes and outfits aimed towards what you need to turn your millennial style into a blast from the past! Our Era Costumes make it easy to turn back the clock!

Decades Costume Ideas and Tips

Select your favorite decade and take the time warp back in time and dress up is some of the hottest decade-themed costumes! Feel like swinging it out in the 20’s and dancing the night away at your favorite party dressed as a doll like flapper girl or respectable Italian mobster? Maybe you heard that Grease is the word and are ready to find the one that you want dressed as a pink lady or bad boy greaser in a leather jacket.

Moving on up into the 60’s and groovy 70’s, all the way to the rocking and neon 80’s, if you are looking for a decade themed costume then you are in the right place! For every decade and every themed party, you can find all the best costumes, accessories and wigs for your funky style here in our Decades costume collection! We all wish we could go back in time and with these hit styles from the past, now you can!

20s Costumes

Transport yourself back in time with our entire selection of1920s Halloween costumes and accessories! Celebrate the fall of prohibition as a rebellious flapper or put on your best pinstripe suit and load up your Tommy gun for a night of action with Al Capone. Either way, you'll be the best-dressed dame or fella at the speak-easy! Costume SuperCenter has everything you need to keep the twenties roaring!

Gangster costumes

Impeccable pinstripe suits, fedoras, machine guns, moonshine, and that iconic mafioso style and attitude can be yours when you shop our full selection of Gangster costumes and accessories. Whether you're the bootleggers bringing the hooch, or The Untouchables trying to stop it, we have all the costumes and accessories that will keep your Halloween feloniously fashionable! Costume SuperCenter has an epic selection and great prices on your Gangster costume. Now that's an offer you can't refuse!

50s Costumes

Fluff up your poodle skirt, and order a drink from the soda jerk, because you are going back to the 1950s! Those Happy Days of Chubby Checker, Leave It to Beaver and Letterman sweaters are here to stay with our huge selection of 1950s costumes and accessories! Be a slick-haired, rebel without a cause in a white T-shirt and leather jacket or a cute pink lady, the choice is yours when you twist on down to our entire selection of 50s costumes!

Grease Costumes

Go Grease Lightning! With its iconic 1950s style and unforgettable songs, Grease has stood the test of time as one of the most beloved musicals in history. Celebrate this cinematic classic with Costume SuperCenter's selection of Grease costumes! Do the Hand Jive as Danny Zuko or as a beauty School Dropout, just as long as Grease is the word!

70s Costumes

Thanks to its everlasting style, jaw-dropping fashion, and iconic figures, the 1970s has never had a hard time stayin' alive! Costume SuperCenter has the afro wigs, bell bottom leggings, sunglasses and butterfly collar shirts you need to keep up your Halloween Night Fever! Put on your best pair of platform Boogie Shoes and take over your local Disco when you choose a 1970s Halloween costume from our huge selection! Start putting together your perfect look today!

80s Costumes

Radical, extreme, gnarly and tubular are just several of the words that will describe you when you're wearing one of Costume SuperCenter's outrageous 1980s Halloween costumes! Tease up your hair and break out those parachute pants, because this carefree decade of off-the-shoulder t-shirts and monster ballads was all about having fun! Be tough as leather-like Run DMC or indulge your inner Material Girl when you shop our whole selection of 1980s costumes and accessories!