Marvel Comics has quickly become the most popular comic book universe in the world, and who can blame them? With hits like The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, and unrelenting hype for the upcoming releases like Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther (do we even have to mention Infinity War?), there’s no reason to not give the MCU the benefit of the doubt. Everyone loves Marvel.
Everyone also loves coloring. It’s so relaxing and therapeutic, and you’ve probably been doing it since you were little. So now, whether you’re an adult or a child, Costume SuperCenter has got you covered with these FREE printable Marvel Villains coloring pages! Sure, Marvel’s heroes are incredible, but some of the credit for their greatness has to go to the power of the villains they defeat! Whether you’re a fan of Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man, or any of the MCU’s biggest heroes, there’s coloring to do! And while you’re at it, grab a Marvel costume to go with your new artwork!
Red Skull
Green Goblin
Iron Monger
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