Horror Movies Printable Coloring Pages

By September 25, 2017 Printables No Comments
Horror Movie Coloring Pages

It’s almost Halloween, and that means it’s horror movie season! If you’re a fan of the classic horror movies (or you just like to color) you’re in the right place. The most famous horror movie villains are perhaps even more popular than the movies that they’re in. Whether you’re a horror movie buff or not, you know the names, Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers. Horror movies are super popular, just like their stars!

Almost as popular as the horror movie villains mentioned above is the desire to color! Since it’s that time of year, Costume SuperCenter wanted to give you the opportunity to have some fun with your favorite spooky Halloween characters! So, before you start looking for your horror costumes for Halloween, have some fun coloring in some famous bad guys. You can even use your costume for inspiration!


Chuck Coloring Page

Billy the Puppet

Billy The Puppet Coloring Page

Freddy Krueger

Freddy Krueger Coloring Page

Michael Myers

Michael Myers Coloring Page


Pennywise Coloring Page

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